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Hostels and Hotels in Carlisle
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Alston, Appleby-In-Westmorland, Beckermet, Brampton, Cleator, Cleator Moor, Cockermouth, Egremont, Frizington, Holmrook, Keswick, Kirkby Stephen, Maryport, Moor Row, Penrith, Ravenglass, Seascale, St Bees, Whitehaven, Wigton, Workington, Carlisle
For UK travelers going abroad, we recommend Tenerife, with feel of the UK yet all the sun of Tenerife. Read an extract below from More Ketchup than Salsa, the story of a English couple who left the UK to set up life in Tenerife. Info on how to buy the book can be found below.
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Below you will find short extracts from More ketchup than Salsa by Joe Cawley – not to be missed.
Short Extract

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There aren’t really seasons as such in Tenerife, merely different times of the year for different types of people. Summer, Christmas and most school holidays, were obviously the time for families and groups of young students. November to April was the time for the pensioners, or ‘fish brigade’ as we referred to them, due to their partiality for ‘a nice bit of fish’. Clickety-click was more or less the average age of our post-summer, pre-Christmas crowd. It was also their favourite pastime abroad. The bingo stalwarts arrived twenty minutes before we were due to start. After ordering tonic waters, cups of tea and for the more daring, halves of shandy, they all sat down expectantly, pens poised at the ready until business commenced. If the first card didn’t kick off exactly at the time stated on our ‘tonight’s entertainment’ blackboard at the top of the stairs, we knew the clucking would begin. It said ten o’clock. It’s ten past now.’ Bloody revolutions had started on the murmurings of less discontent. Six cards were the norm for the specialists and as Joy read out the numbers, the concentration was intense. Comments such as ‘Hang on, I’ve dropped me balls’, as number thirty-three bounced along the floor, were not appreciated.
Alston, Appleby-In-Westmorland, Beckermet, Brampton, Cleator, Cleator Moor, Cockermouth, Egremont, Frizington, Holmrook, Keswick, Kirkby Stephen, Maryport, Moor Row, Penrith, Ravenglass, Seascale, St Bees, Whitehaven, Wigton, Workington, Carlisle
In the bar that night, Joy was in party mood. The bad-tempered rants of some of our customers couldn’t shake her, nor could the protestations of Freidhelm who stabbed at his watch with a finger and wobbled his jowls disapprovingly. ‘Big problem,’ he croaked, but for us the big problem had finally gone and we could get back to our intended mission of trying to run a successful Tenerife bar. Having a job that doesn’t differentiate between weekdays and weekends means it’s difficult to mark the passing of time. It was only when we noticed that our local cash and carry seemed to be stacking an inordinate amount of sweets and nuts did we realise that Father Christmas had booked his flight and was halfway through packing. Panic set in as it dawned on us that we had made no preparations whatsoever with only three weeks to go. Although in Tenerife British supermarkets are almost as prevalent as British bars, the ones we ransacked in order to buy traditional festive paraphernalia had either grossly underestimated the demand for tinsel et al, or were having as much difficulty as us in importing it. The only Christmas crackers we could find were small, pink and embossed with the somewhat discomforting smirks of Barbie and her plastic sidekicks. We bought them anyway in the over-ambitious hope that we may be able to use Blue Peter skills to turn them into more adult-orientated decorations.
I work Hotel Conquistador. I clean room, make bed.’ John One had come into the bar and headed straight for the girl. ‘You can make my bed any day, love,’ he said, putting his arm round her shoulders. She pulled away from him, eyes wide in horror. Even John was surprised at the reaction and raised his palms to apologise. Did you come to Tenerife by yourself?’ continued Joy. No. I come with boyfriend but now I have big trouble.’ Her head lowered even more.