Good Hotel Guide
Hostels and Hotels in Darlington
Do you have a hotel or B&B in any of these locations then please contact us to list your hotel below, free of charge.
Barnard Castle, Bedale, Bishop Auckland, Catterick Garrison, Crook, Darlington, Ferryhill, Hawes, Leyburn, Newton Aycliffe, Northallerton, Shildon, Spennymoor, Darlington, Ferryhill
For UK travelers going abroad, we recommend Tenerife, with feel of the UK yet all the sun of Tenerife. Read an extract below from More Ketchup than Salsa, the story of a English couple who left the UK to set up life in Tenerife. Info on how to buy the book can be found below.
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Below you will find short extracts from More ketchup than Salsa by Joe Cawley – not to be missed.
Short Extract

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School term was about to start in the UK, which meant our first summer was nearing an end. It had been a hard slog for all of us. Nearly four months of performing was beginning to take its toll. It was like being on stage all day, every day. Joy had always wanted to be an actress, but even the busiest stars weren’t expected to keep in character day in, day out for such a lengthy period. There’s something wrong with the figures again,’ she snapped one morning. Michelle and Gary had been working the previous night and Joy had totalled up all the bills that were outstanding. We had left the bar at 10.30 with four tables still eating and a further two still to settle up. Added to that there was a good crowd of drinkers in full flow. ‘The till’s down,’ she announced. This wasn’t particularly unusual as none of us knew how to cancel or correct errors on the till. Are you sure? Have you double checked it?’ I said innocently. Do you think I can’t count?’ she shouted. ‘It’s down! I’ve been through it twice and it’s definitely down. Even if everybody paid the bills that were left and the bar emptied straight away, there should be more money in the till.’
Barnard Castle, Bedale, Bishop Auckland, Catterick Garrison, Crook, Darlington, Ferryhill, Hawes, Leyburn, Newton Aycliffe, Northallerton, Shildon, Spennymoor, Darlington, Ferryhill
By the time I returned, half of the tables were occupied. As I rushed through the doors a hand grabbed my arm and the Tupperware of turkey almost fell to the floor. It was Friedhelm. Joe,’ he started. ‘J-o-e ’ His eyes were closed, his mind searching for the words in English. He shook his head, annoyed with himself, but before he could fully release his grip in defeat he clenched my forearm tightly again. ‘Joe ’ he repeated again, even more slowly. His heavy eyelids lifted wearily like ageing window blinds. ‘Happ-y Chrim-stas.’ Yes, happy Christmas, Friedhelm,’ I repeated, trying to release his grip. In the kitchen, Les had also had similar success with the microwave and apart from one of two extraneous pieces that the radiation had morphed into shoe leather, the turkey was ready to serve.
Don’t let this miserable face fool you. I like the sun and I like my fishing and that’s all I need. I wouldn’t go back to England now if you paid me. Too much rain, too much bad news on the telly, too many foreigners and too much tax. You can’t make a living in the UK now, you just work to pay the taxman. Plus Shark Bait would want some more money off me.’ He could see we were puzzled. ‘Shark Bait the ex-missus.’ So you’re hiding from her, then,’ asked Joy. No, she knows where I am but she can’t get anything from me if I stay here.’ Why did you split up?’ Joy persevered.